3 Products in 3 Months
As you may know, this challenge is 100% not my own idea. It’s been attempted by plenty of others, originally created by levels.io who has been a major inspiration.
It seems like a useful and inspiring system to get you to build and ship your ideas - cheers to all those that have attempted/completed or find themselves currently on the journey. I'm excited to give it a go :)
It's a good fit for me
I’m in a season where I have enough income from The Podcast Creative and part-time development consulting that I can support my family’s living expenses with fewer hours. This extra time has given me more bandwidth to make space to try building out some ideas for fun.
I like starting new things
I love the idea of hyper-focusing on one idea for a each month, completing it, then getting to begin a completely new project. Since I was a kid, I’ve always been been pulled toward building new ideas and i’m excited to give it another go with my full focus.
Quickly vet ideas
One of the biggest benefits is going to be getting feedback on whether each idea has any interest after only investing one month of time. After launching and seeing the response, I'll be able to focus more time and effort on the ideas with the most potential to succeed.
Imposter syndrome
Like so many other developers (all people?) I suffer from imposter syndrome at different times and the fear of putting my work out there to the public.
Being forced to ship each month publicly will help me with the accountability and allow me to face my own insecurities.
Practice shipping
I don’t know much about shipping products, it’s a whole new world (cue Aladdin) and I'm excited to dive in.
The one per month deadlines may fluctuate a bit but I'm going to try my best to stick to a monthy schedule.
To keep up with the progress, you can follow me on twitter or subscribe to my mailing list. I’ll post on both when a new product is launched.
#1 GitContacts - [closed]
Keep all of your developer contacts in one place - auto-populated with their GitHub profile information.
Read Launch Post Here
#2 Positive Tech Jobs - [closed]
Positive Tech Jobs is a curated job board that features tech positions from companies and nonprofits making a positive impact in the world.
Read Launch Post Here

#3 The Podcast Creative - [closed]
The Podcast Creative provides full-service podcast production for startups who value their time.
Just record your episodes and send us the audio, we take care of the rest so you can get back to growing your business.
Read Launch Post Here